
A Dark Night’s Work = Работа Темной ночью: на англ.яз

521. 500.

A Dark Night's Work turns on concealed crime and a false accusation of murder. The secret goes unknown for about 15 years until the body is dug up during the construction of a railroad… The manslaughter and resulting misery for those involved is used by Gaskell to illustrate the effects of dishonesty and bad living, and the torment of conscience.

A Dark Night's Work turns on concealed crime and a false accusation of murder. The secret goes unknown for about 15 years until the body is dug up during the construction of a railroad… The manslaughter and resulting misery for those involved is used by Gaskell to illustrate the effects of dishonesty and bad living, and the torment of conscience.


Гаскелл Элизабет


Original (Рипол)


РИПОЛ классик Группа Компаний ООО



