
The Holy Flower = Священный цветок: на англ.яз

815. 660.

Brother John, who has been living in Africa for many years, gives Allan Quatermain the largest orchid he has ever seen. Later, in England, he has a meeting with Mr. Somers, an orchid collector who is prepaired to finance an expedition to search for the plant Join Allan as he sets out to find this rare orchid… and finds something more.

Brother John, who has been living in Africa for many years, gives Allan Quatermain the largest orchid he has ever seen. Later, in England, he has a meeting with Mr. Somers, an orchid collector who is prepaired to finance an expedition to search for the plant Join Allan as he sets out to find this rare orchid… and finds something more.


Хаггард Генри Райдер


Original (Рипол)


РИПОЛ классик Группа Компаний ООО



